
Aliens Among Us.


Uh... well, I just wanted to say that this site is currently under a whole lotta construction...

That's all. Stay tuned for alien adventures, garden adventures, concert adventures, um... duck fight adventures, mismatched socks and other debacles. TOo many to name right now.

Alien Abduction
... Installment I.... um...

Well first, it came from over there... behind me, in the lake I think.. I dont know. OR it brought me back out from the lake. I just used to go over to this lake area everyday after work before and sit quietly for a while and then I felt like I was almost being drawn to it... I don't know if it was the sea horses on the box that I sat on but it was something... anyway, ever since I was abducted... I dont know... That's been happening a lot also. Blanking out and stuff. Well, more tomorrow or something. I have to go sit by the lake.

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