
Miami Book Fair 2006

Okay so here I was at the Miami Book Fair, a warm November day... actually this was the last day of the fair. I've had all these pictures on my blog just waiting for my comments and so on... well, I haven't much time these days with everything else going on but I'll do my best to write as many details for anyone that wants to know everything about the Miami Book Fair.

This VIP Hospitality Suite is for members/sponsors. The security guard almost didn't let me inside, he was so serious... I should have taken his picture. Anyway, I took a peek inside the tent and there wasn't much going on. Just a bunch of stuffy people eating cheese and watching tv...

So, when I got to the fair, I thought it was going to be an in and out deal. I didn't have any idea there were so many booths. I felt it was imperative that I stop at every tent and find out what they had going on. There weren't just authors and booksellers and publishers but also religious groups, things for kids, cultural events... they even had an international food court. As you can see, lots of people came out. Many authors were most kind and they gave me free books. So I ended up going home with two bags full of books. I promise to read them all.

Unfortunately I was so enthralled (yes, I said enthralled) with all the booths about books that I didn't get to stop and munch on anything. I do love food... Next year though.

Oh yes, some important information: the Book Fair is from Nov 12 -19, the fair part was held on the weekends. During the week day there were things like book readings, author workshops... I made it to many of the events but not all. I only took pictures at the fair. Most of these pictures are on the last day of the fair.

Okay so... the Write Out Loud Cafe is, I believe something that happens throughout the year and is actually held on South Beach, on Lincoln Road... I'm so not sure if that's true or I'm making it up so I'll have to check on that... anyway, these guys were featured on Sunday, the last day... and they were singing about 'lumberjacks'... I think they were serious. I also think they're all kinda sexy. Especially the one with the bass and the red shirt and overalls... whoo!! I love me some strings!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm the editor of the SALVADOR DALI COLLECTORS QUARTERLY (www.daligallery.com). I just saw your piece on Salvador Dali and wonder if I can reprint it in our upcoming newsletter. Also, if you have a high-resolution photo of yourself to include, that would be wonderful.

Please write back to me (and send photo if you can) at:
