
Lookin out my window...

And what did I see?

The moon, in the daytime. Quite full. Something about the moon and the sun being visible at the same time just makes me... so... I dunno what.

Well, actually like 98% full but I can work with that. Periodically I glance outside the window to see if it's still there; it's dark now so it's pretty clear... out there in our clear South Florida sky. =)

I really had nothing spectacular except for the pictures I took of the moon to share. I have boundless colada energy today. They should put that in a can and sell it. CoLaDa Energy (remember I said that), they, the people who make stuff. You know them.

Something frightened my cat today.

Was it me?

Couldn't be!


So it's cool...

Whenever I do post it's usually a few things at a time. So what more can I say? Ahem, I can say a lot more.

Um, first thing, let me get the pictures out of the way because otherwise the chip in my brain is gonna start acting up and well, you know we don't want that. Oh and - I'm so happy to see that "Heroes" is online, since I don't actually watch tv anymore, I can catch the latest episode whenever I want - online. God blesses the information super highway. What a great name for something - information super highway. That's my favorite kind of highway. No tolls.

Anyway, the following picture series I been kinda holding out on and I don't know why b/c it's just taking up lots of space on the camera to keep them. These are about littering vs not littering. I prefer, not littering. Trash being left behind after a day at the beach is like... so wrong. For real, sure the majority of people clean up after themselves but the other day when I was at the beach - South Beach, closer to the movie theater and Lincoln Rd, way on like 16th street... there was SO MUCH LITTER! And no, I alone couldn't get it all up. The point is, what are people thinking - what, since they're maybe just visiting they don't have to clean up? That's such bullshit. Garbage! Seriously, there are wastebaskets everywhere - and the ocean, after enjoying it's beauty and peace and all - would it kill some people to just pick up after themselves?

Tangents, are fun but litter is bad. Okay?! I hope I got that message across. The ocean is for sand, seashells, starfish, crabs, fish, birds - NOT GARBAGE! Word up. *smile*

Now onto other things...

Is it some kind of irony that I'm listening to Nirvana and I'm about to move to Seattle? What happens in Seattle anyway? Rain? I don't mind a little rain here and there but I'm hearing it's not just a little here and there. Well, other than that... "smells like teen spirit". It's time to change the song and move along...

NO JOKE!!! It's like the Winamp knows me or something - or atleast knows what I'm typing - the next song was - Janis Joplin singing "I Can't Stand the Rain". HA, ha. ha.

And then after that was Nina Simone "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood". I don't want to really hear either. This week has been electronic and freestyle and cha cha cha charmin. Aaah, we finally settle into Gotan "Last Tango In Paris" - nice song. I think in categories this falls under 'lounge'. I'm not really loungin, I got boxes all around and cd's on the floor... Oh me, I'm finally getting rid of all the cd's. I am not going to take pictures of the mess on the floor although I am slightly tempted. I have this calendar from Peking House and the lady on the front, her smile and pose with scarf is so annoying. What's she got to be so happy about? And then I'm wondering if I should take my Alice in Wonderland light switch fixture with me. It's this cute scene of Alice talking to the caterpillar. And as everyone knows, I love Alice and Wonderland and all it's inhabitants. "caloo calay".

I have this small card with St Francis of Assisi's Prayer of Peace on it... I will type it here. Just in case you don't know it. It's very nice and well... great...

Prayer of Peace
St Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, pardon.
Where there is doubt, faith.
Where there is despair, hope.
Where there is darkness, light,
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled
as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive,
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

What else is on the wall.. pictures of my sisters, a guest pass to Fairchild Tropical Gardens that I haven't had a chance to use yet, pictures of myself, and Ayatul Kuursi above my bed. I had this metal heart thing on the wall too but I stuck that in a box.

And the beat goes on. Now I'm listening to Skazi vs Psysex, the song where it keeps repeating, "don't even know what the hell it is...". I find this kind of music to be so great for writing, cleaning, getting ready, getting hyper... Tomorrow, I got a lotta lotta stuff to do.

I know, it's maybe hard to follow - I started talking about the things on the wall and then moved on to something completely different. I guess I could blame the music. I'm thinking if I have anything else to say. Well, the other day I read that if you use a lot of I in your writing, and you're writing only about yourself, you are writing only for yourself. The word sardonic comes to mind if this true. I'm going to look it up now to make sure I used it in the right context - for using words the wrong way is a fate worst than plague to me. Dictionary.com says: characterized by bitter or scornful derision; mocking; cynical; sneering

Well, I guess that would be how it made me feel to hear that about writing like that. Like it's mocking me - me alone - who writes all this I I I... ai ai ai. I. I was going to start the next sentence using I again. What's wrong with it? I don't know really if there is anything wrong with using a lot of I. Patti Smith says the night belongs to lovers and to life - that's all I'm sayin. Patti Smith also says something about a rock n roll n* word and I don't quite get why she says that.

Oh while I'm traveling to Seattle, I'll be carrying my violin - so I'll totally get to be a big fat poseur and act like it's something I do totally well. Um, I sound quite bad. Supposing though, that you have to suck at at least one thing. Let that be my one thing. And nothing else. Actually, no, not quite true... I burn everything I bake. So I try not to bake anything.

Like seriously, it's about time I stopped typing nonsense to the imaginary people in the imaginary world.

I don't want to listen to Jack Johnson tonight, another song is going to get switched. Ooh la la, Madonna - Human Nature... I dig this song. I always will. "Express yourself, don't repress yourself..."

How does one go from Francis of Assisi to Madonna?

Honestly, I don't pretend to know. I just do what I do.

From the Aliens. they asked me to capitalize that.

I asked the Aliens, I says, hey - Aliens, whaddya think this is Picasa or Flickr or something? What's with all the pictures!? But they said to just do it. So I am. Okay? Okay.

They were insulted when I told them whoever drew these pictures drew like a five year old. They were like, and what the hell is wrong with drawing like a five year old? So, they might send more just because of that comment. Well, what can I say? Pictures from aliens.

Singing Bowls at Inner Wisdom

It has been a while...

Soooo... here we must talk about Inner Wisdom Books, a wonderful soul friendly store in Deerfield Beach on US-1 right near Hillsboro Blvd - last weekend I was there and got to hang out with my good friends. Seriously, I love this store. It's such a welcoming environment to be in, and Dottie and Pete are the best people. Not only do they carry books but also angels, fairies, incense, candles, jewelry, just to name a quick few.

On Saturday Robyn Chiarelli was teaching a class using crystal singing bowls, a little light yoga, mudras and color meditation. Robyn is a patient and skilled teacher who relaxed everyone instantly with her guided meditation. Then, the singing bowls. Wow. Music sounds for healing is the best idea ever. I used the Healing Music Project cd's before - from "The Relaxation Company" and various other "brain wave meditation" things; I found them to be helpful as well. Especially when your mind goes a million miles a minute like mine does it's pretty helpful to have something that totally engages you so that you actually do focus. Anyway, I go off on tangents don't I?

For a quick history on singing bowls, just in case you don't know what they are - they are bowls that come from Tibet, Japan - um... ancient cultures, and well...

They're used for healing and meditation. In this particular class, we started from the base chakra and worked our way up, meditating on each corresponding color, doing the mudra and learning a yoga pose that worked with each chakra. After the class was over, I felt like I could fly and then I really did. No just kidding, I just wanted to know if you were paying attention... um......

Well, this was great seriously. I would like to actually learn more about the singing bowls because I feel some what like a tuning fork and I think those things work on me quite well.

I know that you're really interested in finding out more about singing bowls so here's wikipedia for you with some wicked cool information to further your singing bowl knowledge bank http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singing_bowl .

And if you would like to know about the bookstore, see their calendar and perhaps check out another class : www.innerwisdombooks.com.

Until next time, I'm off to listen to some more freestyle music... JOHNNY O N CYNTHIA... Dancing around the room in my fairy slippers... Aliens say hello. Hello.



Alas - NIGHT is finally here

Sometimes I really like the night time. Especially when it's not riddled with abductions and the like.

This weekend of watching movies culminated with a reading of Leopold von Sacher's "Venus in Furs" - since I watched the movie and all. I actually sat through the whole online version of it Project Gutenburg offers it - I couldn't move. Something about it... oh and the lines.

Like this one... You see no one, and no one sees you. It is boring enough to write idyls. I would have leisure here to supply a whole gallery of paintings, furnish a theater with new pieces for an entire season, a dozen virtuosos with concertos, trios, and duos, but—what am I saying—the upshot of it all is that I don't do much more than to stretch the canvas, smooth the bow, line the scores. For I am—no false modesty, Friend Severin; you can lie to others, but you don't quite succeed any longer in lying to yourself—I am nothing but a dilettante, a dilettante in painting, in poetry, in music, and several other of the so-called unprofitable arts, which, however, at present secure for their masters the income of a cabinet minister, or even that of a minor potentate. Above all else I am a dilettante in life.

And what a freakishly far out name is Severin? I love this name. Severin. I'm going to get a pet and call him Severin. Yes, not like Gregor though... not at all like Gregor.

I've already taken to calling my cat Sergio. His name was Baby before but one day I walked in my front door, took one look at him and then said: ah, you will be Sergio! Yes, I exclaimed it in fact. I might actually have been walking out the door at this time... can't be too sure these days. Isn't it the most assholish and uncalled for thing to just change someone's given name at your own will? Just walk up to someone you know and say, hey, I think that this name Joe or Bob really sucks, I'm going to call you from now on Jacques - or something like that. Try it, I doubt anyone will be too pleased at someone else taking this kind of liberty but you're very free to do it. And when you find someone that is willing to have you change their name, on a whim, well, then I think you may have found a gem of a person.

Not really, I'm rambling and being random and this is my custom.

All in all, night falls and things seem swell. This night, the aliens haven't sent me any pictures...I'm too tired to really look around for any. I got one more thing to do and then it's lights out over here. Because it is the best time for sleeping... at night. In the day, there is much else to be done. Like maybe going to Fairchild's Tropical garden and talking to butterflies. *looks around suspiciously*

No pictures? Nope. Not a one. Tomorrow for that. Dear Diary, I'm going to bed. Dear Diary.


Peek-a-boo!! I see you!!!!!

I can't help it at all. This has been total movie weekend - as per the instructions of my alien friends. They said... girl - go on and get you some movies. I'm actually at my last movie today - um... this one is "Eyes With No Face" - it's a scary movie. So anyway...

I gotta get a bagel and then go and start this new movie. With some tea. Yum. Chamomile or mint, I can't be sure which.

I find it quite bothersome that I've suddenly started treating this blog as a diary or something. It's not. But it could be, couldn't it?

Dear Diary... today I was abducted by aliens.


Anyway, the next thing on the agenda is this then: the seahorse box - alien vessels. They are many more of them. Everywhere I go I see them parked. It's real inconspicuous and stuff. I'll add the picture here:

The aliens didn't take those pictures... I did, with the camera on my phone. There I was putting air in my tires and then what do I see - an alien space ship right next to me. It's locked, that must mean those aliens are around for a while. Maybe they even hide at the gas station I was at. Anyway, all I know is that - the sea horses mean something to them, and there's also a dolphin on the other side of the box. I think that some people maybe think that aliens communicate with dolphins... what say you Flipper?

Okay, that's enough of that. Dear Diary, I'm hungry. Dear Diary, please feed me. Dear Diary, bagel, toasted and not too much cream cheese. Thanks.

Anymore alien pictures to share? Fine... I'm afraid they'll beat me up if I don't add these that they sent me yesterday.

I believe some of these came directly from their planet. Notice the pinkish hue and the strange scary fat man in a santa hat pulling what looks to be a horse into a big huge box with wheels. Notice also the horse in the background. Uh huh.. yeah.
I think something in their atmosphere makes their air change colors or something. And then, they sent me these - I guess I might have gone away with them last night or something. Or something. Or something. Or something. You see what I mean about this over use of words? It's just... gets me all... mad n hot.

They sent me these of myself... I actually kinda like them a lot... find them fun and brightly colored and what not.

Hey girl, wasn't you gonna eat some bagels or something? "and venus in furs will be smiling.. oh when that moment arrives..."



Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien Alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien alien...

I hate it when I get sick of words... I hate over used words in writing but you know. . . I guess that whole thing about what you don't want coming to you because of putting focus on it... makes me over use words. There are so many pictures of so many random things... I hate it when the seven of cups shows up in my tarot cup reading and it's all steamy and shit. So what if I like being random? So what if I want to keep talking about aliens? So what so what so what? I don't know.

Anyway, I'm going to spend the day focusing on how much I totally love new words. Like new words for alien. hm.... wait wait wait, I got it.

Extranjero!!!! Oh yeah. how bout that?! y ahora vas a change the palabra alien for extranjero. khawooti. I probably spelled that wrong.


Do You Miss the Aliens???


Okay fine... I just kind of started this alien business and then ran away from it... Well, basically the aliens did their thing, they do their thing when necessary and pretty much I just reap the affects of it. I still don't understand what was with the violence that one time - but it's ok. I have so many pictures to share and a great many new adventures.

Two people who are in charge of the alien kingdom: The one lady told me that her name was Megan but it could be just to make it easy for me to understand alien speak. After I met with Megan and the guy, whose name I must have forgotten - or maybe they blanked it out of my memory... anyway, after I met with them, they sent me these pictures of them in their alien way. It appears, they really like coffee and creative dreaming. Which I thought was really cool. Since my encounter with these two beings, I have been creative dreaming while I'm awake... crazy interesting stuff I tell ya.

Fun also. I want to say that this also... I want to go on and on about some random random random things. Like this for example http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPFmM4iO2m0... I have it going right now, I wanted to add that this is some freaky creepy s*it! I can't look at this thing going on with the screen because my eyes don't want to. Since my abduction...

you can start saying that now if you want to: since my abduction.. just start sentences like that. It's totally 2007.
Well, since my abduction I have been accustomed to speaking for each of my limbs as a separate entity each. So, my eyes don't want to look at that thing.

Moving on....


What else is new? Please don't hate me if you listen to this video or watch it all the way to the end. It's just bizarre and that's okay. I'm at 13 minutes. Wowzers. I'm about done with this, don't wanna wait til minute 18... Yep, done at 15 minutes.

Do you have a flickr account? What the hell is this flickr business? Is it supposed to be all the rave? The rage? What's the word I'm looking for? Do you want to see more pictures?

Here's a tree:

And here's me:

*bow and curtsy*


I'm not... and you're not... then who is....


I know something about aliens... they are everywhere. If I go outside right now and walk around the neighborhood I'll see more and more and more aliens. Guaranteed.

Everyone is someone you don't know. Even the ones you think you know.

And if I wanted to sound more emo, I could. Trust me.

With that, I'll leave a photo and a wink and a nudge nudge. Watch me fly away.


"Salvador Dali, True Love"

Read the article here: http://blogcritics.org/archives/2007/01/03/014305.php

Or here:


Aliens... nothing to say about them today. Actually, just wanted to share this little rant about Salvador Dali... my one true love.

How could I be so mistaken? I thought and mulled over what to write so much. It's my first article on Blogcritics Magazine, to be published around the start of the new year. At first, the idea was to write about something helpful to everyone... then I figured, what's the harm in indulging this fabulous new year? Let me speak of my one true love.

I love Salvador Dali, with all my heart and soul. I am currently reading The Secret Life of Salvador Dali and with every page, I fall more and more in love. This is Dali's autobiography wherein he allows the reader to see what a genius he is. Upon hearing that word, Dali instantly comes to mind.

Recently I was in Toronto visiting family and friends - annoying people with my strong desire to talk about my two favorite subjects, Dali and me. Actually, there are many facets to those subjects and like all things they kind of merge into one... There I go trailing off again.

Dali is my hero.

The first time I called the bookstore to see if they had the book the girl on the phone couldn't find it, the second time another person couldn't find it, the third time... I swear it was like a light shone on the book after I spent time checking each and every shelf in the Art section of the bookstore. I heard angelic voices singing and pretty fairy dust was swirling all around the book... it might have even moved a little, I think I saw the binding pop out.

Even the pages are the softest and silkiest pages on any book I have ever held. As a matter of fact, the back of the book has a message from Dover, the publisher, stating that these "pages are opaque, with minimal show-through; it will not discolor or become brittle with age. Pages are bound in signatures, in the method traditionally used for the best books, and will not drop out. ... The binding will not crack or split. This is a permanent book."

There is some controversy around whether or not any of these events that Dali talks about ever happened. If you've ever seen a Salvador Dali painting, an original, you wouldn't wonder for a second if these tales he writes about happened or not. Surrealism is all about being able to see things in the cracks in the ceilings, being able to see images in clouds - using your imagination to the fullest, walking the tightrope between reality and non reality, living fully inside your head.

I read the Salvador Dali tarot cards so, naturally knowing more about the creator of the deck helps to grow closer to the cards, which then makes me give super good readings.

I'm going on and on and on and ranting and raving... I really just wanted to introduce myself somewhat and to say also that Salvador Dali is my hero once again. Oh oh, wait, and I wanted to say, that as far as the writing, the actual writing of this book, he's funny. I have laughed while reading this book and it's made my jaw drop countless times.


Alien Want To Write

My alien friends - I freely call them friends now... have directed me to write something today.

Forced reading and writing makes me so tense, and angry. Makes me feel like, meh, why bother? Why write? Why read??? Turn off the tv, and sit in this uncomfortable chair and write. Better yet, blame the chair and just slouch and surf the internet and watch Law and Order SVU.

There were three things I wanted to write about today and right now, I’m not writing about any of them. Here, is the fourth element.

Aliens? What aliens? Where are aliens? Did you read that article about the UFO sighting at Chicago O’hare. Nice airport. No wonder the aliens would go there. “Home Alone” was filmed there. I’ve flown through there a lot. Never actually left the airport. Unlike when I go to visit the aliens – this has been happening regularly now. Visits, taking me away. I’ve been sleepy today, must be the amount of things on my to do list. Makes me feel lethargic a little bit.
Law and Order SVU, is a little bit creepy… but there was a mention of a fedora… I like fedoras. I feel pretty cool when I wear a fedora. Like… um… like I should also wear a feather in my fedora and walk with a frilly umbrella and a pencil skirt. Ooh, and some gloves.

Okay back to the aliens… that’s what this is about. They gifted me with something. A scarf. It’s a really nice one. I think I might have married an alien or something while I was away… fuzzy memories and all… the scarf, looks suspiciously like the kind of scarf Somali women get in a wedding ceremony. Um… to explain more it’s called a “shaash saar” (the putting on of the shash) and the woman receives it to kind of symbolize that she’s married. Maybe it’s not the same kind of scarf for the others.

Also, they've made my pictures make me look like my head just floats while on their planet. Where is the rest of my body? That remains a mystery. I don't even know how I'm typing this right now.

I bet you’re wondering what one of these alien’s look like. Should I be smug and repugnant (because smugness is usually repugnant) and tell you to look in the mirror?
